Damn Drugs - COOL MOTTO / SLOGAN 2013

 10 best motto of Anti Drugs Event 2013 :

(1) Get high on Life, not on Drugs   

(Choose as ERADA 2013 MOTTO)

  Erada review: Cool motto, they are using a the drugs word "high", which "high" have an two different meaning, high on drugs mean "get great pleasure at their own fantacy" and high on Life, its mean "become great man in the real life". Then, What would we choose???

I sugesst you to take the "high on drugs" option..... Hahahahhahaha... Just Joking..
U are my ninja brother, off course we must grow and success together. Choose the other one. :)

 And the remain 9 best motto:

(2) Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff. Keep away from that stuff!  

(3)Lions, and Tigers and Bears oh my…Drinking and Smoking and Drugs? Goodbye! 

(4)Wasted? So is your life

(5)Drugs: You use, you lose 

(6)Shoot for the Stars not your arms ,   
 >>>>> There is funny joke behind this Motto

(7)Hugs not drugs

(8)Drug free is the way to be

(9)Too smart to start

(10)Do a good deed and kill the weed

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