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How to say "No" to Drugs Rachel and Ally 2013

You can watch their original Video at the link below:


And dont forget to Subcribe and Vote "Like'' to them.

Cause they are my cousins

Oh My Man, we are all is family,..
so, if they are my Cousin...
U must treat both of them as family too. Dont forget.. Subcribe and Vote "Like'' to them.

ERADA review:
I like their video because is unique and spontaneous.
And the Content  of their video are:

#1. Use Humor > agree, hahahaha

       Drug's user are closely related to die at young. and there is a saying explain that get a lot of laugh can    extend the life. And maybe they conduct both of them. But, despite the true relation from both of them, i keep agree, beacuse laugh is free,, and one of cheapest way to make happiness.

#2. Make an excuse > absolutely agree, this can be categorized as primary key step

yup, i have already pass the step, is truth, we must make An Excuse, Excuse to my self, excuse to other people around you, ie: family, friend, and excuse to our belief (spiritualism aspect).

and that is realy works for me. At the same experience had been pass too by  Siamak Afshar.
Siamak Afshar,  bachelor of psychology, chemical addicted conselor, founder of Rehabilitation Centre at Iran, and the Programme Director at New Life Centre, California., have success implement the 12 steps programme.

I learn a lot from him. I like to read his article about his effort against the Drugs. Why i like his article, because most of his experience and explanation have in line with my mind.

#3. Repeat NO> absolutely agree, this can be categorized as the example of the concrete act.

 or,,,, i think , it can be a slogan / motto, its sound like same with their First Lady at the past, thats Nancy Reagan said about "Just Say No"
 Nancy Reagan launched the "Just Say No" drug awareness campaign in 1982.
click the link below to read about Nancy Reagan Campaign Story Against the Drug's


#4. Ignore them> absolutely agree, this can be categorized as the other step

Im agree with the statemenet above, its true that we must Ignore the Addict, there are lot of way, to subtitute our addict feeling. The most suitable way for one person isn't guarantee that is also suitable for the others.

But the point is "Ur Subtitute Activity" must be interesting for u. Because they  between "The Subtitute Activity" and "The Drugs", will be contested in front of u, and the winner is ."Who gets your Attention".

and one more factor, why i like their video


#5.  They are all beautiful girls,   its seem like they use "Venus on Marketing Tactic"

okay, Thank u Ally, thank u Rachel..... Keep far away from "Drugs" , because they ar Cruel...

one more question, Hi Ally, you dont have a "McBeal" family name right? and for Rachel, u too, u dont have a "McAdam" family name right? 

hahhahahaah, because as far as I knowm ar the fist name Ally, in my mind is Ally McBeal, and for Rachel is  Rachel McAdam,,, hahahaha..

ok... Cu... Happy Free-Drugs Day at June, 26th, 2013..

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